During Holidays

  1. Go on holiday during the off-peak period to prevent over straining resources - you'll also avoid the crowds.
  2. Find out about your destination before you go on holiday - it may be an environmentally sensitive area. Doing this will also ensure you are informed of what to see and any local customs.
  3. Find out about places before you visit. You may be visiting a environmentally sensitive area, in which case you must take extra care to stay on footpaths and follow signs.
  4. Don't travel by air if you can avoid it because air travel uses up large amounts of fossil fuels and creates greenhouse gases.
  5. Avoid taking things on holiday that you will throw away.
  6. Dispose of any rubbish responsibly - it can be hazardous to wildlife.
  7. Ask your travel agent or tour operator what they are doing to be environmentally responsible.
  8. Use public transport, cycle or walk instead of using a car.
  9. Use facilities and trips run by local people whenever possible.
  10. Don't be tempted to touch wildlife and disturb habitats whether on land, at the coast or under water.
  11. Be careful what you choose to bring home as a holiday souvenir. Many species from coral and conch shells to elephants and alligators are endangered because they are killed for curios or souvenirs.